I know that it sounds corny and maybe even impropriated / weird (what do I know? I’m just a crazy bum), but when I see these birds in flight, shining a dazzling blue, white and grey, I often remember your eyes. Maybe it’s because of the somehow matching colors; the fact that we both love the outdoors, watching the wildlife. It might be also because I rarely saw so much life, brightness and kindness as in your eyes.
It has been a rare privilege - so inspiring! – to maintain a far-flung friendship with you. Thanks for everything. (I have to pay you guys a visit someday.)
Maybe one day you’ll be a “case study”… People will desperately want to know how do you managed to raise such a great family and live a great life, mastering everything that really matters. ;-D
Plus, you’re the best teacher one can hope to find. If I had kids (which I refuse to), I wouldn’t want to put them in school (it was too much of a trauma for me; no one should go through the same kind of shit), but I would trust them with you in a heartbeat. And that surely would please me a lot.
Hopefully there are, and will be for many years to come, loads of kids also inspired by you, making this crazy and sturdy world a better place.
If there’s anything that I can do for you or anyone that lives in that big heart of yours, please let me know.
Your friend,
1 comentário:
I am humbled. Thank you for your generous praise. As you surely know, no life is ever as pulled together on the inside as it appears from without. Still, I can claim the love of teaching, outdoors, and enduring wilderness. Do pay that visit. Come hike among our giant redwoods here and the alpine openness of the high southern Sierras. It will enrich your life. Warmest thanks from your far-flung friend, Terri
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